Case IH Advanced Farming Systems

Case IH AFS farming technology

Farming technology is changing the way we farm. Case IH Advanced Farming Systems (AFS) have been at the forefront of precision farming for more than a decade, giving farmers the ability to control the entire crop production cycle.  By connecting your equipment with Case IH AFS technology you can increase both productivity and efficiency year-round with tools that achieve repeatable accuracy down to 2.5cm.

T H WHITE’s team of CASE IH specialists can advise on all aspects of Advanced Farming technology and understand that you need intuitive solutions when crop planning and monitoring performance.  You will want innovative precision farming technologies, like the Case IH AFS 372 GNSS receiver and DCM-300 modem, both examples of how Case IH delivers smart technology that ensures maximum up time.

Fitting a GPS antenna to your machinery opens up Advanced Farming Systems capability to include guidance, automatic steering, sprayer boom control, yield mapping and much more. While satellite navigation in a car typically has a positioning accuracy of about 5.5 yards, Case IH AFS® equipment can achieve pass-to-pass accuracy levels down to 1 inch.


Features of the Advanced Farming Suite

  • Complete equipment data management from any device within a single integrated software package
  • Instant access to location, diagnostics, fuel and engine stats
  • Intuitive interface to connect and monitor performance across multiple pieces of equipment and varying tasks
  • Mixed fleet management
  • Steering and guidance tools such as AccuGuide and Autoguidance for repeatable year to year accuracy
  • Precise placement with section and rate control

Case IH recognises you require a system and support team designed to fit the way you farm.  With a fully manned AFS support centre, engineers on hand to keep you rolling in the field.  Download our brochure for more information or talk to us today.


- Evaluate crop performance
- Save on labour and fuel costs
- Reduce skips and overlaps
- Better seed management
- Fertiliser and chemical management
- Add hours during critical operating periods
- Generate yield maps, prescription maps and more

Make every inch of your fields count by talking to the Case IH Precision farming team.

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