Easy Tillage with PÖTTINGER
16th January 2024

As a family-owned company, PÖTTINGER takes its responsibility to feed future generations while caring for the environment seriously.
Creating quality products that contribute to a viable increase in agricultural production; conserving our planet’s resources and protecting the environment are also anchored in company activities and implemented on a daily basis, as part of PÖTTINGER’s commitment to do their bit to provide people with food for many years to come.
This family-run business has been a reliable partner for its customers, employees, and suppliers for 150 years and promotes a strong partnership ethos in all company relationships. As well as enabling sustainable future farming operations, their stated objective is to make work easier for farmers. Our range of Pottinger tillage tools shows just how well they fulfill that stated objective.
The ROTOCARE rotary hoe conserves crops and is row-independent while delivering maximum output and low wear. In addition to its advantages in mechanical weed control, the machine is equipped for a wide range of other applications. For instance, breaking up the surface of the soil, incorporating fertiliser, planting a companion crop or applying micro-granules and also for shallow stubble cultivation. Setting up is quick and straightforward.
Compact design is a key feature of TERRADISC rigid mounted disc harrows. Working depths between 5 and 15 cm are possible. The offset configuration of the aggressively set discs mixes the harvest residues effectively into the soil.
You can use PÖTTINGER’s SYNKRO three-gang stubble cultivators for shallow and deep tillage. A central adjustment system allows you to adjust the working depth quickly and easily.
Click the images to find out more about these tillage essentials from T H WHITE and PÖTTINGER.